Palliative Care

Momentum Health Solutions

Golden Arrow Employees' Medical Benefit Fund has partnered with Momentum Health Solutions, the Fund's healthcare administrator, to provide our valued members with access to a Palliative Care Programme.

Palliative care is specialised medical care for people living with a serious illness and is focused on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of their condition(s). It is based on the needs of the patient, not on the patient's prognosis (the likely course or outcome of a medical condition).

Click here to view the Palliative application form.

Palliative Care Programme information leaflet

Golden Arrow Employees' Medical Benefit Fund has partnered with Momentum Health Solutions, the Fund's healthcare administrator, to provide our valued members with access to a Palliative Care Programme. Read more about what this programme has to offer.

Palliative Care Programme application form

This programme aims to provide holistic care and support to members as well as their families when faced with terminal or life-threatening illnesses. We invite you to complete the application form to help us support you as best we can.